A New Standard of Safe and Maneuverable Angiographic Guide Wire
Tip shapingBevegelig kjerneVidBull No1
The right wire for any case.
The reliability of Asahi Products is highly recognized by its users in the medical profession.Front lineFront line & CTO CTO CTO, Gaia wiresFirstSecondThird Externalisation
Support Extension
The right wire for any case.
The reliability of Asahi Products is highly recognized by its users in the medical profession.Brosjyre SUOH 03Brosjyre Sion, Sion BlueBrosjyre Sion BlackBrosjyre Sion Blue ESBrosjyre Fielder XT-A og XT-R
The right wire for any case.
The reliability of Asahi Products is highly recognized by its users in the medical profession.Severely tortuous lesionsControlled Channel TrackingControlled LooseTissue TrackingAmbiguous CTO DrillingVisible CTO Navigation
FirstSecondControlled SlidingControlled PenetrationThirdCalcified PenetrationMiracleSerie
The right wire for any case.The reliability of Asahi Products is highly recognized by its users in the medical profession.
ETOSS: Educational Total Occlusion Simulation System ETOSS er et simulator system som gjør det mulig å teste ASAHI wires i en syntetisk etterligning av en totalokklusjon. De ulike wires' egenskaper er enkelt å studere ved hjelp av to kamera som i to plan filmer wirens bevegelser. På den måten kan man på en enkel måte erfare forskjellen på de ulike wires styrbarhet/respons. Gjør en avtale med oss, og vi stiller ETOSS simulator system gratis til disposisjo...
Composite Core Design
Listening to the needs of physicians and drawing on the skills of their master craftsmen, Asahi Intecc created ACTONE: an ingenious enhancement of the 10 micron core wire that forms part of their guidewire’s unique composite core design. Read more in the brochure below....